Subject: Re: RFC: migration to a fully dynamically linked system
To: Giles Lean <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/23/2001 17:34:06
> As Noriyuki Soda <> points out the problem isn't limited
> to libc. Any library with global state that is linked into an
> application both statically and dynamically can lose ... libc is the
> most obvious and common though I'm sure.
Call me insane, but I've been in situations where I actively exploited the
multiple state issue that you all seem to consider a loosing situation.
Ok, many times there have been debug vs. release libraries involved and often
some parts of the application or the shared libs have been binary only.
Nevertheless I don't think anyone should stop everybody from doing this.
In the situations where it worked for me, all libraries (shared or statically
linked) have been thread safe - which might have helped a bit ;-)