Subject: Re: named.conf
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/27/2002 19:28:55
>a flag in /etc/defaults/rc.conf is probably the worst of all
>options as it causes problems with ndc (both start and restart
>will fail).  (For restart, you could argue that it's a bug
>with ndc/named, but that won't help you with start.)

oh, that's a really good point.  okay, let's move the config file.

it's arguable that we don't need the presence or absence of the file
as an "easy" additional switch, since rc.conf is so much easier to
configure that just editing rc (which is what we had to do ten years

>(This is why i use a symlink like you do, and yes, it's annoying.)

i usually just move it.  or copy it.  depending on how i feel.  it's
like leaving the example where it was, and making my own where i need

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