Subject: Re: post-installation and rc.d enhancements
To: None <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 04/18/2002 01:13:34
> >>Exactly. But "/etc/rc.conf" is sourced *before* "/etc/rc.conf.d/$name",
> >
> >That presumably is a bug :-)
> >If the various conf files are processed in the correct order, life is
> >much simpler for everyone.
> no, that's the intended behavior. rc.conf is for settings. rc.conf.d
> is for overriding those settings. rc.conf.d can also provide scoped
Thanks for the correction. I'm still weaning myself off my old rc.d
implementation (which I still use on 1.4.x) and my 1.5.x boxes don't
do anything very tricky yet.
> which allows me to set a machine to YES, NO, or pkgsrc. neat, eh?
I guess. My approach in my old start/stop scripts (which ran on lots
of different OS's) was to have a list of prefered paths in the script,
but allow a per-host .rc file to force a selection if needed.
Anyway, thanks for the correction.