Subject: Re: 'prebind' implementation (was Re: HEADS UP: migration to fully dynamic linked "base" system)
To: Bang Jun-Young <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 08/27/2002 22:40:13
>> > - '.pplt' has resolved symbolic references, so there's no need to invoke
>> > dynamic linker, ld.elf_so(1), for unresolved references as current
>> > dynamic linking mechanism works. I expect we can get lots of time
>> > savings here.
>> this presupposes that shared objects will be loaded at the same
>> location from invocation to invocation, no?
>No, 'prebind' will figure out mappings of shared objects in process
>address space same as ld.elf_so(1) actually does for different process
>images. For example, will be supposed to be loaded at
>0x48056000 for /usr/bin/foo and 0x48058000 for /usr/bin/bar.
yes, but is foo to expect that libc will be at 0x48056000 every time
foo is executed?
i have actually managed to get mine to load at 0xbdb48000 tonight. :)
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