Subject: Re: reducing library searches in ld.elf_so
To: Jason R Thorpe <>
From: Bang Jun-Young <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 09/23/2002 23:45:38
On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 07:06:51AM -0700, Jason R Thorpe wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 03:51:32PM +0900, Bang Jun-Young wrote:
> > In fact, I wondered that a little, too.
> Really, the search path stuff shouldn't even be there. ELF has rpath to
> encode the path to the library so that you don't have to do an expensive
> path search (a.out didn't have rpath, and thus had the expensive path search).
> However, some people apparently Really Wanted to have the search path
> functionality in ld.elf_so (because they were apparently incapable of
> building their binaries with the correct options to set the rpath), and
> so it went in. Some of us (including me) would like to see the
> search path functionality ripped out completely (keeping the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> functionality -- it's cheap and easy to skip that by caching the getenv()
> result and checking for NULL).
I completely agree. BTW, if we removed it who would object to that?
Bang Jun-Young <>