Subject: sh not expanding vars
To: None <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 10/01/2002 20:50:14

This cames from the discussion of sh/ksh... hehe.

The following works properly in ksh:

export PS1="\`pwd\`$ "

It will get pwd's value each time it gets PS1's value. Although,
this fails in sh and you get the string `pwd`$ unexpanded as your
prompt. Another example:

export ENV="\$HOME/.env"

Will work in ksh, reading root's .env (for example) when issuing
a non-login su. It won't work in sh.

Which is the correct behavior? ksh's or sh's one?


HispaBSD admin -
For the developer -
Julio Merino <>