Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc/bin/ksh
To: Joerg Klemenz <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 10/03/2002 15:26:40
>Since we are exchanging tips now I'll give you mine to. I put this in
>/etc/profile to load /etc/kshrc and $HOME/.kshrc if exists
>if (echo $0|grep -q ksh)
> ... ksh stuff
Eek! What's wrong with:
case /$0 in
*/ksh|*/-ksh) # we're ksh - yay!
avoids any fork/exec
>Still can't tell the difference between pdksh and ksh.
That's the whole point. Well actually you can. The
following is from my /etc/ksh.kshrc (bash users can set
KSH_VERSION=BASH in .bashrc):
# the PD ksh is not 100% compatible
case "$KSH_VERSION" in
BASH) ;;
*PD*) # PD ksh
case "$KSH_VERSION" in
*5.*) cdhist=ksh.cdhist
case "$TERM" in
# bind arrow keys
bind '^[['=prefix-2
bind '^XA'=up-history
bind '^XB'=down-history
bind '^XC'=forward-char
bind '^XD'=backward-char
*) # real ksh ?
set -o trackall
case "$TERM" in
# Kevin Gallagher in comp.emacs!
alias __A= # up arrow
alias __B= # down arrow
alias __C= # right arrow
alias __D= # left arrow
>All of this hacks are only needed because of ksh's lack of a "real" rc
Please keep in mind that the folk that wrote ksh aimed to be compatible with
sh, and IMHO did it right. That bash and zsh screw things up is orthogonal.
>To make things even worse, there's no way that I know of to load
>defaults for non-interactive non-logged-in shells. The retarded $ENV
>construct assumes that the user is logged in when he starts a
>non-interactive shell.
How is this any different to /bin/sh ?
>But many a script is run from cron or at and there is no way to force
>the loading of any defaults or even a PATH.
That's a bug in the shell script not the shell.
>All of that can be fixed, though. ksh is basically OK
>I guess I have to write that maintainer now...
Don't expect him to agree to change it in ways that would make it not
compatible with ksh though.