Subject: Re: RFC: memmem(3)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 03/02/2003 15:59:51
[quoting order normalized -dM]
>> I'm not sure which algorithm I'm using in terms of names like those.
>> The name Boyer/Moore comes to mind, but I'm not sure exactly what
>> that is so I could be misled there.
> There is even Boyer-Moore string search implementation in tree -
> bm(3).
I just read over bm.c.
The algorithm therein looks related to mine, but definitely isn't the
same. In particular, I don't have the frequency table (such a thing
could improve efficiency of mine in cases where certain characters
occur _very_ much more frequently than others, but to do it right would
greatly complicate the computation of the table), and searching doesn't
need the fast-loop/slow-loop split in the search function.
My code is small enough that I'll just quote it here. I've left off an
#include, but all it does is prototype searchstr_maketbl() and
I place this code in the public domain. Feel free to pick it up for
anything you want.
static int eq(const unsigned char *s1, const unsigned char *s2, int n, const char *eqv)
for (;n>0;n--) if (eqv[*s1++] != eqv[*s2++]) return(0);
void searchstr_maketbl(unsigned char (*tbl)[256], const unsigned char *str, unsigned int len, const unsigned char equiv[256])
const unsigned char *str1;
int i;
int j;
int k;
int l;
if (len < 1) return;
str1 = str + 1;
for (i=len-1;i>=0;i--)
{ l = len - 1 - i;
for (j=255;j>=0;j--)
{ for (k=i;k>=0;k--)
{ if ((equiv[str[k]] == equiv[j]) && ((l == 0) || (k == i) || eq(str1+k,str1+i,l,equiv)))
{ tbl[i][j] = i - k;
if (k < 0)
{ for (k=0;k<l;k++)
{ if (eq(str,str1+i+k,l-k,equiv))
{ tbl[i][j] = 1 + i + k;
if (k >= l) tbl[i][j] = len;
int searchstr(const unsigned char *str, unsigned int len, unsigned char (*tbl)[256], unsigned int tbllen)
unsigned int strpos;
unsigned int stridx;
unsigned int stroff;
unsigned int adv;
strpos = 0;
while (1)
{ stroff = tbllen - 1;
stridx = strpos + stroff;
if (stridx >= len) return(-1);
while (1)
{ adv = tbl[stroff][str[stridx]];
if (adv == 0)
{ if (stroff == 0)
{ return(stridx);
stroff --;
stridx --;
{ strpos += adv;
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