Subject: Re: Are res_send and res_query thread-safe?
To: NetBSD Userlevel Technical Discussion List <tech-userlevel@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 04/03/2004 15:28:43
On Apr 3,  3:23pm, ("Greg A. Woods") wrote:
-- Subject: Re: Are res_send and res_query thread-safe?

| (which I assume is really the BIND-8 resolver as ported to BIND-9 (from
| lib/bind in the distributed source), and not the true BIND-9 lwres
| library (from lib/lwres), right?)
| Can you expand a bit here on what you've done to resolve the nsswitch
| vs. ISC IRS functionality, if anything?

There is no IRS there. IRS is in the get*() routines which we use our old
ones. I've merged some of the changes from bind9 that seemed useful, but
mostly our code is better. The multi-threaded issue of having one _res per
thread needs to be addressed and we should have a pool of _res.
