Subject: Re: Implementing periodic.d
To: Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 04/05/2004 16:25:32
>which is very interesting.  Some of the people who replied to it said that they
>were working on implementing this, but the last message in the PR is dated as
>2002, so it seems nobody finished it, right? ;)

I've been using /etc/{hourly,daily,weekly,...}.d for several years
(on all sorts of *nix including NetBSD).

Personally I don't think rcorder is a suitable approach for this.
As you note, you end up needing lots of .conf files that need 
coordination which seems to negate much of the benefit of using
individual scriptlets.

I found it quite adequate to use the convention that get's sourced 
by the rc script and foo gets run as a child, this ends up being more modular
and easier to re-use bits.  Eg. I use many of the same's in rc_local.d 
and {hourly,dail,...}.d 

I also found simple numeric odering adequate - but that seems to irk
many - too low tech I guess ;-)
