Subject: Re: Adding scan_ufs (scan_ffs replacement, now with LFS support)
To: Juan RP <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 07/29/2005 13:39:53
On Jul 29, 2005, at 6:02 AM, Juan RP wrote:

> Finally, I've added LFS support into the scan_ffs(8) program, but
> now that it can detect both filesystems (FFS/LFS), I'd want to
> import scan_ufs and remove the current scan_ffs.

How about just making a hard link to scan_lfs and calling it good?

> An example of using scan_ufs:
> [juan@Nocturno][~/scan_ufs]> ./scan_ufs -l -s 51199155 wd0
> Disk: Maxtor 6Y080M0
> Total sectors on disk: 160086528
> #        size    offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
> X:     132048  51199155 4.2BSD   1024  8192        0 # / [FFSv2]
> X:   12288528  51856371 4.4LFS   1024  8192     6000 # /usr [LFSv2]
> X:    1049328  64144899 4.4LFS   1024  8192      512 # /var [LFSv2]
> X:   67936428  65194227 4.4LFS   1024  8192    33172 # /home [LFSv2]
> [juan@Nocturno][~/scan_ufs]>
> <scan_ufs.c>

-- thorpej