Subject: Re: XML config file
To: Iain Hibbert <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 07/23/2006 14:03:47
On Jul 22, 2006, at 1:36 PM, Iain Hibbert wrote:

> struct prop_hint {
> 	const char *name;
> 	prop_type_t type;
> 	void       *arg;
> };
> struct prop_hint service_hints[] = {
> };
> struct prop_hint hints[] = {
> 	{ "name",	PROP_TYPE_STRING,	NULL	},
>         { "address",	PROP_TYPE_STRING,	ip4	},
> 	{ "services",	PROP_TYPE_DICTIONARY,	service_hints },
> };
> prop_object_t
> ip4(prop_string_t str)
> {
> 	/* we transform the string object to our preferred form */
> 	return obj or NULL;
> }
> 	dict = prop_dictionary_internalize(xml, hints);
> and if anything is not mentioned in the hints, it is just passed  
> through
> as normal. Does anything like this exist in the OSXAPI?

No, the OS X property list API doesn't have anything like this.  But  
that's not too surprising, considering how the OS X APIs (esp. the  
Foundation APIs) are designed to be used.

I like you suggestion, and I have been considering something like it  
since the beginning of proplib, but I do not want it to be part of  
the internalize step.

I have been thinking of a "property list ingest" helper that could  
"parse" the internalized form (i.e. a prop_dictionary_t, NOT the  
XML).  The reason for this is that you might want to be able to pass  
a dictionary to some application plugin or shared library and give it  
the opportunity to gobble it up into its own format.

The stuff I've been playing around with looks a bit like this:

typedef boolean_t (*prop_ingest_handler_t)(void *, prop_object_t);

typedef struct {
	const char *pite_key;
	prop_type_t pite_type;
	prop_ingest_handler_t pite_handler;
} prop_ingest_table_entry;

#define	PROP_INGEST(key_, type_, handler_) \
	{ .pite_key = key_, .pite_type = type_, \
	  .pite_handler = handler_ }

#define	PROP_INGEST_END { .pite_key = NULL }