Subject: Re: test: ==: unexpected operator
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 09/23/2006 02:17:41
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On Sat, Sep 23, 2006 at 12:11:26AM +0200, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Sep 2006, Quentin Garnier wrote:
> >I like it too, but what would be awesome is an option to force it to
> >fail when executed from inside pkgsrc.
> For that case I recomment looking for POSIXLY_CORRECT in the Linux=20
> getopt(3) manpage.
What? How is that even relevant? And _why_ do you assume anyone should
be able to look that up on this list?
> I'll also note that our ksh allows =3D=3D already.
So? I don't see anything in SUS about ksh.
> For the rest of you: please keep the bikeshed to your own stuff. In case=
> you forgot, NetBSD is an operating system to assist users, not force=20
> anyone's politics upon them. If a user wants to use =3D=3D instead of =3D=
and if=20
> there's no strong reason to disallow that, I see no reason for denying=20
> things to him. If you want to convert all the world to POSIX, I wish you=
> much fun - you'll find a lot to do in NetBSD itself, and then you can=20
> continue with educating all the Linux users and programmers.
Why did you even asked for comments in the first place? You should have
committed right away if anything that doesn't please you or force you to
make more work is not acceptable to you.
Now, as I still think my request to have a way to disallow this in
pkgsrc is valid (albeit too subtle for your mind), maybe I should go
ahead and back out what you committed? How would you like that?
And why don't you go all the way and import bash as our /bin/sh? I
mean, looks like it's fine for the Linux people.
Quentin Garnier - -
"You could have made it, spitting out benchmarks
Owe it to yourself not to fail"
Amplifico, Spitting Out Benchmarks, Hometakes Vol. 2, 2005.
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