Subject: Re: admin script for ipfilter
To: Darren Reed <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/29/2006 18:29:41
> I think called rcadmin would be fine, with usage like:
>  rcadmin service_name argument
> rcadmin looks at /etc/rc.d/ for the "service_name" and then looks at 
> /usr/pkg/etc/rc.d/*. That should be configurable. FreeBSD's rc.conf has 
> local_startup variable to list these startup script directories.
> rcadmin runs the found script with the provided argument.
> It does nothing else.

To expand on that:

If no service_name and no argument then do rcvar for all found scripts in 
alphabetical order.

If service_name is a dash, then do the argument on all found scripts, to 
see status for all, for example. "poll" on all does not make sense though. 
And doing a "start" on all seems wrong because of ordering (and 

> The rc.d scripts and rc.subr improved to allow
> - enabling (rvar become ON or yes)
> - disabling (rcvar become OFF or no)
> - show status even if rcvar is OFF
> - all commands can be used if even if are turned off via rc.conf
> As it is now, we can get status of a service that "is disabled but the 
> processes or whatever are actually active/running and if it is enabled but 
> not active or running or whatever."
> $ /etc/rc.d/inetd status             
> $ /etc/rc.d/inetd onestatus
> inetd is not running.
> $ /etc/rc.d/inetd rcvar           
> # inetd
> $inetd=NO
> $ sudo inetd
> $ /etc/rc.d/inetd status          
> $ /etc/rc.d/inetd onestatus       
> inetd is running as pid 9511.
> $ sudo /etc/rc.d/inetd onestop
> Stopping inetd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 9511.
> $ /etc/rc.d/inetd onestatus    
> inetd is not running.
> The only think I don't like is having to do the "one" or "force" or "fast" 
> ...
> Adding an argument called "bootstart" can be used in /etc/rc. And for 
> rc.subr everything (other than bootstart and rcvar and future "enable" and 
> "disable") sets ${rcvar} to YES. Then "one" prefix can be removed (or at 
> least not documented) but keep fast and force since they have other 
> purpose.
> I'll patch rc.subr for that if that is okay and share it here.