Subject: Re: CMSG_* problems
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 02/15/2007 00:39:29
> section (Numerical limits) where the minimum and maximum
> sizes of integral types is specified. It actually says char < short
> <= int < long < long long. More precisely, the minimum number of
> bits for each type:
> char 8
> short 16
> int 16
> long 32
> llong 64
Your "more precisely" makes it sound as though the table is what is
present and the rest is your interpretation.
This table does not, in itself, compel char < short or int < long or
long < long long. These are *minimums*; for example, nothing here
prevents long and long long from each being 64 bits - or for that
matter prevents all five of these types from being 64 bits wide.
(Other factors prevent that last, actually; int must be strictly wider
than unsigned char because of the existence of EOF.)
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