Subject: Re: Upgrading removes sendmail, breaks system config
To: Johnny Billquist <>
From: Erik Bertelsen <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 07/11/2007 14:48:16
2007/7/11, Johnny Billquist <>:

> What's wrong with pointing out that the configuration was using
> sendmail, and sendmail is no longer in the core system, and that the
> config needs to be changed accordingly? Either by switching to postfix,
> or by installing sendmail from some other source.
> Stop this revolution that seems to be going on!
>         Johnny

I think that Johnny's suggestion is probably the only workable solution.

If postinstall could determine that sendmail was installed (and
active) with the original default configuration, then -- perhaps -- we
could consider building an initial postfix configuration with similar
capabilities -- if such a configuration could be agreed upon.

In all other cases I have the feeling that we must tell the system
administrator to clear up the situation.

- Erik