Subject: weird PAM chauthtok behaviour
To: None <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Edgar_Fu=DF?= <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 08/25/2007 19:51:38
I just spent most of the day trying to find out why a PAM
configuration a la (I'm omitting .so, /usr/pkg/lib/security and all
the options here)
password sufficient pam_ldap
password required pam_unix
password sufficient pam_ldap
password sufficient pam_unix
password required pam_deny
would work on Linux, but not in NetBSD.
Having found blunder in nss_ldap before, I suspected pam_ldap to be
the culprit, but not so.
The problem arises from a strange behaviour of OpenPAM's chauthtok
handling. The whole module chain is run twice, once with
PAM_PRELIM_CHECK and a second time without. But on that first pass,
OpenPAM explicitly treats a control flag of sufficient as optional
* For pam_setcred() and pam_chauthtok() with the
* PAM_PRELIM_CHECK flag, treat "sufficient" as
* "optional".
if ((chain->flag == PAM_SUFFICIENT ||
chain->flag == PAM_BINDING) && !fail &&
primitive != PAM_SM_SETCRED &&
!(primitive == PAM_SM_CHAUTHTOK &&
(flags & PAM_PRELIM_CHECK)))
So, the only ways I can think of to make password changes work with
both LDAP and non-LDAP accounts is to either modify pam_deny so it
will (optionally) not fail for the preliminary phase of chauthtok or
end the chain with pam_allow. I am however, not sure of the
implications the latter solution may have on the case of someone
trying to log in with an expired password. This will force an
immediate password change, and one might wish to know if it failed or
Two questions on this:
1. Can someone think on a more elegant way of handling that?
2. Can someone explain to me why OpenPAM handles sufficient as
optional on the first pass in the first place?