Subject: Re: pcc?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/30/2007 01:03:32
> __FUNCTION__ is expanded as string by the preprocessor and merges
> with other strings.
Are you sure about that? The preprocessor contains enough of a
codewalker to know whether it's in a function, and which function if
so? I thought __LINE__ and __FILE__ were done by the preprocessor but
__FUNCTION__ was compile-phase magic. Certainly the gcc version whose
docs I have most readily at hand, while rather old, does say that
These names [__FUNCTION__ and __PRETTY_FUNCTION__] are not
macros: they are predefined string variables. For example,
@samp{#ifdef __FUNCTION__} does not have any special meaning
inside a function, since the preprocessor does not do anything
special with the identifier @code{__FUNCTION__}.
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