On Fri, 12 Sep 2008, markucz%gmail.com@localhost wrote:
UTF-8 w/ X11 is not an issue. However, UTF-8 will be a major pain to handle in CLI only environment. I'd be very happy to use 7 different languages in a single file, but not at the price of breaking everything else. And it's not only curses. I very much doubt wscons can handle fonts with more than 256 characters. All keymaps, ksh, etc. will have to be reworked, too.
One (small buy damn annoying) issue with UTF-8 and X11 is '-' in pkgsrc manpages - for example 'man zip' has two different '-' breakages. The synopsis uses U+2212: MINUS SIGN and the examples under description use U+2010: HYPHEN. Neither of which is much use when you want to cut & paste :/ At some point I seem to recall the shipped manpages having a similar misfeature, but they certainly seem fine on a 4.0_STABLE system now... -- David/absolute -- www.NetBSD.org: No hype required --