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Adding a simple editor to the base system
This was originally brought up on netbsd-desktop, now
redirected here as a more relevant forum.
I'd like to propose we add a simple text editor to the base
system. The obvious candidate is 'ee' from FreeBSD (who
have been including it since 1995).
Its in pkgsrc as editors/easyedit. Its not too big (56K
stripped on i386), only links against libc & curses, and
needs no other files (apart from termcap). The version in
pkgsrc includes its own curses library which takes its
stripped size to 78K. I'm mentioning stripped as its the
relevant minimum size for anyone who might want to add it
to a crunchgen ramdisk.
I'm proposing it be added to base rather than pkgsrc to
ensure it is available on all standard NetBSD systems.
So for example a user who is not experienced with vi can
edit a configuration file before setting up their desktop
or preferred editor, or even if they find themselves in
single user mode.
I think we should be including ee, and updating our
documentation to mention it as the suggested editor for
new users. I use vi as my editor of choice, but it is
unreasonable to expect a new user to sit down and learn vi
before they can even edit their rc.conf to enable ssh.
I believe there should be a high barrier for adding another
program to the base system, and I think any such program
should be decided on its individual merits. In my opinion
the above reasons justify its inclusion
It was available under a variation of the Perl Artistic
licence. I emailed the author asking if he would be willing
to also licence it under two clause BSD style. and he
promptly responded and released a new version with that
Since FreeBSD have some useful changes on their end too
I'm going to see if they are planning on merging to the
latest version. The author is also looking at merging
in the FreeBSD changes into his master sources.
One configuration question on ee is the keybindings.
It has its own default bindings, or can use emacs
I'm inclined to suggest emacs bindings, just as they are
more commonly used.
David/absolute -- No hype required --
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