On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 07:43:56AM +0000, Roy Marples wrote:
Michael van Elst wrote:
roy%marples.name@localhost (Roy Marples) writes:
By adding another file you have increased complexity. If both files
are present, which should be used? If both, in what order? What if I
want my static config to appear somewhere in the middle? Should we
have a third file to configure this?
I can tell the ISC dhclient to produce the configuration I need,
even making appear something somewhere 'in the middle'. I can
also hook in a script that configures forwarders to my local
caching nameserver instead of changing /etc/resolv.conf.
Can you do the same for PPP and VPN clients whilst dhclient is running?
I don't know what arbitrary PPP and VPN clients can and can't do.
IF the stock dhclient supported DHCP on >1 interface could it still work?
The stock dhclient supports multiple interfaces. Obviously it
doesn't know how to handle multiple global configurations by
itself. Like resolver addresses or, more important, default routes
or any other option the DCHP server could send you.