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Bluetooth device access

  Accessing (local) Bluetooth devices is different across different
platforms - in FreeBSD they use a netgraph node, we have a bluetooth
device interface via ioctls on a BTPROTO_HCI socket and BlueZ/Linux uses
something similar though the specifics are different.

  BlueZ provides a set of library routines to handle some common low level
tasks but unfortunately their API is very Linux specific and it doesn't
really translate to our device access methods (the main obstacle is that
they used an int device index ... whereas we have a string device name).
So, earlier this year after discussion on the freebsd-bluetooth list,
emax@freebsd came up with a set of platform neutral library routines to
help with device access.  I have written an implementation of this for
NetBSD, latest version at

  This is not a magic wand that provides Linux compatibility but it does
mean that some tasks that software does that was only available on Linux
will be easier to support, and in a way that will work on all BSD (or any
OS that implements this API)

For example I have patches for gammu that enable it searching for remote
devices that was previously only available on Linux hosts:

  I have some outstanding comments (slight change requests) on the API
that emax is sleeping on but I plan to commit what I have in a week or so,
any comments or objections?


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