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Re: Lua in NetBSD

>> And this is were Lua comes into play.  The decoders for the
>> protocols are written in Lua, and new decoders can thus be added
>> with ease and without requiring a kernel/userland rebuild.
> [I]t seems to me that switching to a userland daemon written in an
> interpreted language is not exactly what one wants for time
> synchronization.

My reading was that this depended on Lua-in-the-kernel (which
admittedly this is the wrong list for, though it is relevant to the
larger Lua question).

> Things that probably won't persuade me include
>    - noting that Lua is memory-safe or garbage collected and C isn't,
>      because these are not serious problems in practice;

For some use cases they are.  I've done plenty of stuff for which a
garbage-collected language is (or, in some cases, would be) a big deal.

>> - easy to learn with a "natural" syntax, not statically typed
> Lack of static typing is not an advantage.

Again, for some use cases it is.  (Are any of them compelling enough to
drive Lua's import?  That's a separate question.)

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