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Re: FreeBSD i18n fonts for wscons

der Mouse <> wrote:

>> But this is not exactly how a real vt does it.
> If _that_ matters, how about starting by fixing the use of the 25th
> line before worrying about details of octet->glyph mapping?  (Real
> VT-100s, like peecee consoles, have 25 lines, but the 25th is strictly
> a status line, in sharp contrast to the way wsemul_vt100 has 25 text
> lines and no status line at all.)
> For that matter, there's 132-column mode, too.
> If you don't want to do that, then I have to wonder why "exactly how a
> real vt does it" matters for arcane details of font handling but not
> for basic functionality like screen real estate use.

Please, if you don't have anything to say on the stated subject, would
you kindly refrain from dragging this thread off-topic.

SY, Uwe
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