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Re: Proposed addition of strcodecs(3) library - review requested

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 06:35:29PM +0200, Alistair Crooks wrote:
> Yes, I was looking at making it an independent lib, so cksum,
> uu(en|de)code, atob/btoa, asa can use it, as well as gaining new
> functionality like command line and lib access to all kinds of
> hashing, cksum, character set encoding and decoding, network name
> resolution and reverse resolution, etc.

Do not forget vis/unvis (extra points for VIS_CSTYLE in both directions,
tremendously useful for web work and would eliminate a highly irritating
near-copy of strunvis() in the sh sources!) and the other compressors such
as lzf.

It would be amazingly cool to have a small framework to elegantly stack
these via stdio.  The application does fwrite() but, under the covers,
the data gets lzffed, base64 encoded, then spat out -- or the reverse.

Though for that to not suck, there'd need to be some way to mux/demux,
so things like hash values or crc32 could come back "on the side" of
the main data stream.


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