On 10/17/11 4:45 AM, markucz%gmail.com@localhost wrote:
Then, I'd also like to remove (or comment out) the following lines in src/etc/skel/dot.cshrc (derived from 4.4BSD Lite2 merge!?): --- alias h history 25 alias j jobs -l alias la ls -a alias lf ls -FA alias ll ls -lA alias su su -m setenv EDITOR vi setenv VISUAL ${EDITOR} setenv EXINIT 'set autoindent' setenv PAGER moreI've grown very fond of ll, la and lf, and simply assume they are available everywhere I go. I'd rather you left them as they are.
... and how widespread is this? If we are talking about individuals, I've never used them myself so I'd rather see them go. And individual preferences should not be the reason for decision behind what goes into these files or not. (If you really want to change a default behavior, get the code modified.)
I'd suggest you to carry around your own set of configuration files so that your preferences are not imposed on anyone else and that you can assume a "sane environment" (according to your preferences) anywhere. (The very first thing I do on any system is remove all .* files from my home dir and then checkout a fresh copy of my configuration files out of a cvs repository.)