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Re: Please consider replace src/dist/nvi with nvi2


On Mon, Oct 08, 2012 at 06:28:34AM -0500, Zhihao Yuan wrote:

> 5. Internal sendmail function. Nvi sends recovery notifications when
> system start up, but /usr/sbin/sendmail is too slow.

I beg to tell us, how? The point at which the script "virecover"
is called is purely determined by the call ordering implied by the
keywords in /etc/rc.d/vircover, isn't it? If I may cite:

# PROVIDE: virecover
# REQUIRE: mountcritremote
# XXX: should require `mail'!

(Besides - I get those e-mails without problem; but this might be
because postfix' "inject" does not need the postfix daemon to be

Changing that to remove the BEFORE and change REQUIRE to NETWORKING
SERVERS would ensure that it runs late enough, fully independent of 
the implementation of /usr/libexec/virecover.


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