Hello, I'm attaching a patch against current adding a new libc and kernel function: consttime_memcmp(3). The code is borrowed from OpenBSD timingsafe_memcmp(3) [1]. consttime_memcmp(3) is similar to memcmp(3) with timing safe layer. For details please see below at the preprocessed man-page. The patch is modeled after consttime_memequal(3). Please review and import into .Nx 8. CONSTTIME_MEMCMP(3) Library Functions Manual CONSTTIME_MEMCMP(3) NAME consttime_memcmp -- compare byte strings without timing leaks LIBRARY Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS #include <string.h> int consttime_memcmp(void *b1, void *b2, size_t len); DESCRIPTION The consttime_memcmp() function compares byte string b1 against byte string b2. Both strings are assumed to be len bytes long. The time taken by consttime_memcmp() depends on len, but not on the data at b1 or b2. Thus, consttime_memcmp() is appropriate for comparing cryptographic secrets, hashes, message authentication codes, etc., without leaking information about them through a timing side channel. In crypto literature, consttime_memcmp() is said to take `constant time', meaning time that does not vary depending on the data it processes. Note that unlike consttime_memequal(3), consttime_memcmp() returns a lexicographic ordering on the data at b1 and b2. RETURN VALUES The consttime_memcmp() function returns an integer greater than, equal to, or less than 0, according to whether the string b1 is greater than, equal to, or less than the string b2. The comparison is done using unsigned characters, so that `\200' is greater than `\0'. Zero-length strings are always identical. SEE ALSO consttime_memequal(3), explicit_memset(3), memcmp(3) HISTORY The timingsafe_memcmp() function appeared in OpenBSD 5.6 and was imported under the new name consttime_memcmp() into NetBSD 8.0. NetBSD 7.99.1 March 15, 2015 NetBSD 7.99.1 References: [1] http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi/OpenBSD-current/man3/timingsafe_memcmp.3
Description: Binary data