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Removal of "ancient HTML generation"


There were a number of changes made to remove "ancient HTML
generation" like the following one.

Module Name:    src
Committed By:   wiz
Date:           Mon Jul  3 21:31:01 UTC 2017

Modified Files:
        src/share/man/man1: cd.1 wait.1
        src/share/man/man1/man1.x68k: bellctrl.1
        src/share/man/man3: __arraycount.3 bitmap.3 bits.3 bitstring.3
            fast_divide32.3 gcq.3 iso646.3 queue.3 tree.3
        src/share/man/man8/man8.alpha: boot.8 mkbootimage.8
        src/share/man/man8/man8.amiga: installboot.8
        src/share/man/man8/man8.atari: ahdilabel.8
        src/share/man/man8/man8.cobalt: boot.8
        src/share/man/man8/man8.hppa: boot.8
        src/share/man/man8/man8.macppc: boot.8 ofwboot.8
        src/share/man/man8/man8.mvme68k: boot.8
        src/share/man/man8/man8.sparc: boot.8
        src/share/man/man8/man8.vax: boot.8 drtest.8 format.8
        src/share/man/man8/man8.x86: boot.8 mbr.8
        src/share/man/man9/man9.i386: bioscall.9

Log Message:
Remove workaround for ancient HTML generation code.

Were they discussed anywhere?

The reason I'm asking is that for many years, and until these changes,
I used to use lynx, locally, as a very quick, cheap and effective man
page viewer. Lynx can't handle style.css, which is what we have now.

So for me, I've lost real value from this change, and there are
sometimes, like when I travel, when I can't access the network manpage
machines. Can we restore these to the previous way of doing things,
please, or provide a functinoal replacement straight away?


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