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Re: Remove dhclient(8) from base

Roy Marples <> writes:

> On 21/06/2018 16:19, Julian Coleman wrote:
>>> The release of NetBSD-8 is probably imminent, now is probably the best time
>>> to do this.
>> Will it suprise people that dhclient has gone from base?  Maybe deprecate it
>> in the 8.0 release notes and remove it from current?  Or, is that what you
>> meant?
> How I see it as removing it is just this:
> It's no longer installed, but the mtree entries for it are not marked
> as obsolete, just commented out that they should be removed at some
> point.

But that means that people that update get the old (netbsd-7 probably)
binary still, which seems messy.

Given that 8 is almost out, it feels a bit rash to drop it from 8.  But
I think it's fine to drop it from current.

Plus, dropping ti would avoid setting what IMHO is a really bad
precedent of saying it's ok for things in /bin and /sbin to fail if /usr
is not present (and avoid arguing about that :).

(So far, I think we're not talking about dropping dhcpd, for which we
don't have any better approaches in base.)

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