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Re: Definitions of types also as macros

On Nov 6,  3:07pm, wrote:
} I wanna do this, looks good?


} Index: stdint.h
} ===================================================================
} RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/sys/stdint.h,v
} retrieving revision 1.7
} diff -u -r1.7 stdint.h
} --- stdint.h	22 Apr 2013 21:26:48 -0000	1.7
} +++ stdint.h	4 Nov 2018 09:35:54 -0000
} @@ -35,54 +35,54 @@
}  #include <sys/cdefs.h>
}  #include <machine/int_types.h>
} -#ifndef	int8_t
} +#ifndef	_BSD_INT8_T_
}  typedef	__int8_t	int8_t;
} -#define	int8_t		__int8_t
} +#define	_BSD_INT8_T_
}  #endif

     What's going to define _BSD_INT8_T_ and friends?

     To me, this looks smells like some kind of gross hack to work around
broken software.


}-- End of excerpt from

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