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Re: Possible slight speedup to non-interactive /bin/sh startup

    Date:        Mon, 11 Feb 2019 09:05:53 +0000
    Message-ID:  <>

  | I feel like we should dig into why it makes a big difference.

It is really only a fairly small difference, 170 us isn't big
by anyone's measure...    But yes, that seems like a worthwhile
project assuming the answer isn't already known, for someone
other than me!

But I'd have guessed that just locating the libraries, which
always does, so execution fails early if a required library cannot
be found, would account for most of that cost.

Which actually points out another (minor) benefit of this change:
it makes /bin/sh dependent on less of the system existing properly
in order to be able to work, if libedit or libtermlib were to vanish
or something, sh would still work (without line-editing/history).

  | I played with it a bit, and it looks like the biggest difference I got
  | was by setting LC_ALL=C as opposed to LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8.

I'm surprised that makes much difference, the operations in sh
(which currently has a very limited understanding of character
encoding issues) that would be affected by that are not common
in most cases where sh speed really matters I would have thought
(that might be something that affects autoconf type scripts and
such more though.)

While I am not sure I believe him, and others certainly do not,
but the author of one of the other shells around is fond of
repeating (over and over) that the speed of a shell will drop
by 50% if it does locale (ie; char encoding) properly.  (No,
bash is not that shell, even though it is slow...)


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