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Re: NetBSD truss(1), coredumper(1) and performance bottlenecks (Kamil Rytarowski) writes:

>1. We can observe in both examples that there is a performance issue in
>, as something attempts to call 5000 times read(2) for 1 byte onl=

That's probably the shell that must read input byte by byte in most cases.

>2. Firefox and Thunderbird and certainly other similar software calls
>excessively gettimeofday() and clock_gettime(). At least around 100k
>times per 1 minute, and the program spends around 30sec (cumulative time
>from all LWPs in a process) in the kernel space prompting for the
>current time.

That's only a symptom. The real question is why it doesn't sleep.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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