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Re: stdio.h's P_tmpdir definition - make it /tmp? (Valery Ushakov) writes:

> Greg Troxel <> wrote:
>> It seems that long long ago, /tmp was small and on /, and /var was often
>> bigger, and people used /var/tmp for larger stuff.   Also I remember a
>> notion of clearing /tmp on boot and not clearing /var/tmp.   Now, /tmp
>> is a tmpfs and large/fast, and the right place for things that really
>> belong in /tmp.
> That's true for some people/systems.  Not true for others.

A fair point, but I think it's also a reasonable expectation that you
have to have a /tmp that's big enough for what you want to do, vs the
expectation that programs that use space use some other tmp by default.

> libiberty does check TMPDIR as the very first thing.  If the build
> breaks that, may be the build should be fixed?

And, I agree that programs that use /tmp or especially programs that use
a lot of tmp space, should respect TMPDIR.

But here, I think we're talking about changing the OS default in stdio
that /tmp is the default place, absent config, and by omission it sounds
like you are ok with that?

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