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Re: Fonts for console/fb for various locales: a proposal

On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 01:24:43PM +0200, Edgar Fuß wrote:
> > This is the whole purpose of METAFONT. METAFONT is a rasterizer.
> I'm somewhat sceptical that the results will be usable at the low resolution of a console frame buffer.

It depends on the geometrical definition of the fonts. And it depends on
the size of the font too: one can always use a more complex font by
increasing the size of the font. But METAFONT is designed to render at
whatever resolution, even low ones.

For the definition, this is why fixed size fonts with no fancy shaping
are primarily used. And, to take the example of the Hershey fonts, there
is for this---it was designed so it could be used faster and/or on low
resolution devices---the simplex version of the fonts. The fonts were
defined so that they could be rendered even with plotter gripping pens
to draw the result...
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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