Hi, On 2020/10/26 0:21, aran%100acres.us@localhost wrote:
All,I forgot to mention in the previous message: %[oux] also fail for numbers larger than 1<<63: $ printf '%x\n' 0xffffc00000000000 printf: 0xffffc00000000000: Result too large or too small 7fffffffffffffffI am seeing something different: $printf '0x%x\n' 0xffffc00000000000 0xffffc00000000000 I am running 9.99.72, so I could be a little out of date.
Some shells have its own built-in versions of printf(1). At least bash and zsh versions work whereas /usr/bin/printf fails for '0x%x\n' 0xffffc00000000000. Thanks, rin