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Re: ZFS - mounting filesystems (Was CVS commit: src/etc)

Paul Goyette wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Mar 2022, Simon Burge wrote:
> > Do we have any valid need to have non-critical local filesystems?
> Well, I have a dedicated filesystem for builds, separate from my
> OS.  The /build happens to be my nvme SSD.
> Building (or being able to build) is not critical to having the
> machine running (and receiving mail).
> So, yeah, I think non-critical local filesystems are meaningful.

Again we come to what "critical" means.  If you have your /build in your
/etc/fstab, you boot will still fail if you can't mount that filesystem
(right)?  "critical" in the current context is "should be mounted
earlier than other filesystems", originally for a separate /usr and then
later tweaked for /var.

> FWIW, I cannot spell zfs!  :)

Neither could I until last year :)


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