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Re: sh(1) and ksh(1) default PATH

On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 10:50:39AM +0200, Hauke Fath wrote:
 > > Argument 2:
 > > the stuff in base is canonical and it's wrong for random whatnot to
 > > arbitrarily override it. I admit I don't fully understand argument 2 [...]
 > To give an arbitrary example: I had ${PREFIX}/{s,}bin first in PATH at 
 > one point. A Kerberos pkgsrc package installed a su(1), which for 
 > whatever reason didn't work (I don't use Kerberos).
 > Until pkgsrc prefixes any tools that duplicate base tools, or we grow a 
 > viable alternatives system, that will remain a problem. And I am not 
 > sure the above cures are any better than the problem.

pkgsrc should not install stuff that duplicates/replaces/overrides
base tools unless you asked it to. That part I fully agree on.

(That particular bug got fixed in heimdal at least fifteen years ago.)

David A. Holland

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