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Re: Permissions of the root dot files

[the part diverted to tech-toolchain]

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 02:27:34 +0300, Valery Ushakov wrote:

> Is there any particular reason why /root/.profile and /root/.cshrc
> (that have hard links in / too, for the single user mode i guess) are
> not writable?

So apparently the fact that they have links is relevant and the
problem is fallout from this commit to

  revision 1.34
  date: 2009-04-10 20:16:12 +0400;  author: apb;  state: Exp;  lines: +14 -3;
  Add LINKSOWN, LINKSGRP, and LINKSMODE variables for use by
  when installing hard links.  They have no effect except when using a
  metalog, in which case the information is added to the metalog.  In
  the future, these variables may be replaced by a method for explicitly
  recording hard links in a metadata log.

  Also change a few things that called ${INSTALL_LINK} without going

  Reviewed by perry and joerg.  This should fix PR 24457 and PR 41155.

etc/root/Makefile has FILESMODE=644 but then we overide it when
creating the links with LINKSMODE that is 444 by default.


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