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Re: Feed facility/priority to logger(1) via stdin - desirable extension or bad idea?

You wrote:

- Can what I have in mind already be solved (differently or more
elegantly) with existing tools from the base system?


Anyway, the motivation behind the idea is for the script case that
one can save calling a new logger process for each individual line
to be output.

Since a) logger(1) can read input from stdin and b) there are a limited
no. of facilities and levels, you can just start logger(1) processes for
each unique facility.level and keep them around feeding them input.

This work for you?:

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

	LVL[0] = "emerg"
	LVL[1] = "alert"
	LVL[2] = "crit"
	LVL[3] = "err"
	LVL[4] = "warning"
	LVL[5] = "notice"
	LVL[6] = "info"
	LVL[7] = "debug"

	FAC[0] = "kern"
	FAC[1] = "user"
	FAC[2] = "mail"
	FAC[3] = "daemon"
	FAC[4] = "auth"
	FAC[5] = "syslog"
	FAC[6] = "lpr"
	FAC[7] = "news"
	FAC[8] = "uucp"
	FAC[9] = "cron"
	FAC[10] = "authpriv"
	FAC[11] = "ftp"
	FAC[12] = "ntp"
	FAC[13] = "security"
	FAC[14] = "console"

	FAC[16] = "local0"
	FAC[17] = "local1"
	FAC[18] = "local2"
	FAC[19] = "local3"
	FAC[20] = "local4"
	FAC[21] = "local5"
	FAC[22] = "local6"
	FAC[23] = "local7"

	DEFPRIO = "user.notice"
function getprio(msg, start, len,	i, f, l)
	i = int(substr(msg, start+1, len-2))
	f = int(i / 8)		# extract facility
	l = i - (f * 8)		#    "    level
	return FAC[f] "." LVL[l]
function logit(prio, msg)
	proc = "logger -p " prio
	if (!(proc in PROCS))
		PROCS[proc] = proc
	print msg | PROCS[proc]
	s = $0
	if (match(s, "<[[:digit:]]+>")) {
		prio = getprio(s, RSTART, RLENGTH)
		s = substr(s, RSTART + RLENGTH)
	} else
		prio = DEFPRIO
	logit(prio, s)
	for (proc in PROCS)

Input is of the form:

<134>message line...

as described in the Linux logger(1) man-page (if I've got it right).


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