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Re: inetd(8): cmdif as builtin

> BTW; just an idea: in the case of inetd(8), wouldn't it be more
> simple and logical, in this very case, to add a "cmdif" (cmd
> interface) builtin?

Simpler and more logical than what?

In any case, the major issue I would have with it is the lack of
authentication.  But that's so obvious that I assume you would be doing
something like requiring a password - or doing it only for AF_LOCAL
sockets and using LOCAL_PEEREID.  (This is pretty close to what most of
my pidconn servers do - they use the pidconn analog of LOCAL_PEEREID to
verify that the client is either root or the same UID the server is
running as.)

The biggest difference I see between this and using signals to provoke
these actions is the target namespace: filesystem names for AF_LOCAL or
process IDs for signals.

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