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Re: lseek on tty

    Date:        Tue, 19 Sep 2023 17:51:56 +0200
    From:        Rhialto <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | It may also be that the 2018 edition is not the latest,

It is the latest that has been published, everything later is
just a draft for what will become (next year sometime, probably)
Issue 8.

  | or that there is some addition "Additional APIs for the Base
  | Specifications Issue 8, Part 1 & 2".

Not sure what the dates are on those, but there's nothing new since
about the end of June or something (and too late now to add anything
new).    Not relevant to the current discussion, as lseek isn't new
(changes to existing interfaces aren't usually considered as an
additional API - that would be a whole new function, or command,
just perhaps a major new option added to one of those).


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