Subject: Re: Status of new binaries
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Chris Hopps <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 04/10/1994 18:56:06
> > we'll be moving the primary site
> > to sun-lamp (or its mirrors) ...
> What do you mean by this? Will not be the NetBSD-Amiga
> main-site any longer? 
> Running a mirror, I'd like to be kept up to date on this subject,
> please!

What it means ins that binary snapshots for amiga will show up on 
sun-lamp just like all the other systems and in the standard `make snapshot'
format.  Whether it gets onto is up to someone else.

However I think having as a main site for amiga specific things
is still a good idea, so I hope the snapshot makes it their.

There are no US mirrors of eunet.  there is a least one UK mirror of 
sun-lamp along with at least one US mirror.  This was only part of
the motivation for this switch.  Many others include me having immediate
access to the amiga's ftp directory; being inline with the rest of the ports
etc etc...

