Subject: None
To: None <>
From: R R Bungener +31 35 87 1526 <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 04/30/1994 02:05:00

Back again with the same problem, but more info

The problem was that after loading the new binaries and the vmunix.generic
to my BSD partitions I was unable to boot up the system again.

It dieds with :
>>> NetBSD 0.9a (GENERIC) #0 : Sat Mar 26 ......
>>> sjr@.........
>>> Amiga 2000 68030 (CPU+MMU) 25 Mc 68882 FPU
>>> real mem= 6291456
>>> avail mem= 3555328
>>> using 51 buffers containing 417792 bytes of memory
>>> 0 Amiga memory segments
>>> Realtime clock A2000
>>> rtclock [1/9]
>>> par0 [1/6]
>>> grf0: 640 x 400 4 color custom ......
>>> grf0 [1/7]
>>> ser0 [1/3]
>>> no suitable root

I am using a A2000 with a GVP GForce 030/40 (No EC) and
Quantum HD id:0 with three partitions BSDR, BSDS and BSDD
Quantum HD id:2 with also three partitions

The rdb info looks like :

gvpscsi.device unit 0 :  Blk=0 HostID=7 BlockBytes=512 Flags=0x0012
  LastLUN DiskValid 
  BadBlockList=-1 PartitionList=1 FileSysHeaderList=4 DriveInit=-1
  Cylinders=2343 Sectors=35 Heads=1 Interleave=1 Park=2343 StepRate=3
  WritePreComp=2343 ReducedWrite=2343 RDBBlocksLo=0 RDBBlocksHi=69
  LoCylinder=2 HiCylinder=2342 CylBlocks=35 AutoParkSeconds=0
  DiskVendor=QUANTUM  DiskProduct=P40S 940-40-94xx DiskRevision=A.2 
  ControllerVendor= ControllerProduct= ControllerRev=

No bad blocks

PART  Blk=1   DriveName=BSD_ROOT DevFlags=0    HostID=7 Next=2   Mount 
      Surfaces=1   BlocksPerTrack=35  Reserved=00000000 PreAlloc=00000000
      Interleave=0 LowCyl=2     HighCyl=621   NumBuffers=30  BufMemType=0
      MaxTransfer=00ffffff Mask=00fffffe BootPri=0  DosType=42534452 'BSDR'
PART  Blk=2   DriveName=BSD_SWAP DevFlags=0    HostID=7 Next=3   Mount 
      Surfaces=1   BlocksPerTrack=35  Reserved=00000000 PreAlloc=00000000
      Interleave=0 LowCyl=622   HighCyl=1103  NumBuffers=30  BufMemType=0
      MaxTransfer=00ffffff Mask=00fffffe BootPri=0  DosType=42534453 'BSDS'
PART  Blk=3   DriveName=BSD_USR DevFlags=0    HostID=7 Next=-1  Mount 
      Surfaces=1   BlocksPerTrack=35  Reserved=00000000 PreAlloc=00000000
      Interleave=0 LowCyl=1104  HighCyl=2342  NumBuffers=30  BufMemType=0
      MaxTransfer=00ffffff Mask=00fffffe BootPri=0  DosType=42534444 'BSDD'

FSHD  Blk=4   HostID=7 Next=-1  Version=0       DosType=444F5301 'DOS\1'
      SegListBlocks=5 GlobVec=-1 
          5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15 
         16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26 
         27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36    37 
         38    39    40    41    42    43    44    45    46    47    48 
         49    50 

gvpscsi.device unit 2 :  Blk=0 HostID=7 BlockBytes=512 Flags=0x0037
  LastDisk LastLUN LastTarget DiskValid ControllerValid 
  BadBlockList=-1 PartitionList=1 FileSysHeaderList=4 DriveInit=-1
  Cylinders=1223 Sectors=42 Heads=4 Interleave=1 Park=-2 StepRate=0
  WritePreComp=0 ReducedWrite=0 RDBBlocksLo=0 RDBBlocksHi=167
  LoCylinder=1 HiCylinder=1222 CylBlocks=168 AutoParkSeconds=0
  DiskVendor=QUANTUM  DiskProduct=LP105S 910109405 DiskRevision=2.8 
  ControllerVendor=GVP ControllerProduct=GVPSCSI(#1!) ControllerRev=ALL

No bad blocks

PART  Blk=1   DriveName=BSD_USR2 DevFlags=0    HostID=7 Next=2   Mount 
      Surfaces=4   BlocksPerTrack=42  Reserved=00000000 PreAlloc=00000000
      Interleave=0 LowCyl=1     HighCyl=597   NumBuffers=30  BufMemType=0
      MaxTransfer=00ffffff Mask=00fffffe BootPri=-128 DosType=42534445 'BSDE'
PART  Blk=2   DriveName=DH3  DevFlags=0    HostID=7 Next=3   Mount 
      Surfaces=4   BlocksPerTrack=42  Reserved=00000002 PreAlloc=00000000
      Interleave=0 LowCyl=598   HighCyl=890   NumBuffers=32  BufMemType=0
      MaxTransfer=7fffffff Mask=00fffffe BootPri=-128 DosType=444F5301 'DOS\1'
PART  Blk=3   DriveName=BSD_USR3 DevFlags=0    HostID=7 Next=-1  Mount 
      Surfaces=4   BlocksPerTrack=42  Reserved=00000000 PreAlloc=00000000
      Interleave=0 LowCyl=891   HighCyl=1222  NumBuffers=30  BufMemType=0
      MaxTransfer=00ffffff Mask=00fffffe BootPri=-128 DosType=42534446 'BSDF'

FSHD  Blk=4   HostID=7 Next=-1  Version=0       DosType=444F5301 'DOS\1'
      SegListBlocks=5 GlobVec=-1 
          5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15 
         16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26 
         27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36    37 
         38    39    40    41    42    43    44    45    46    47    48 
         49    50 

Perhaps gives this a better way to solve my problem, 


Robert R. Bungener
Email   :
