Subject: Re: Watch out for lseek and stat struct st_size fields!
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 07/13/1994 14:47:40
> > *soap box on*
> > _GRIN_ So, how many people had benefits so far from having a 64bit off_t OS,
> > and how many suffer from the mess it caused?
> > *soap box off*
> lseek is prototyped in unistd.h if programs break rules.. well..
> > Sorry, couldn't resist:-) BTW, what would happen if I'd compile -current with
> > THAT typedef in <sys/types.h> reset to long?
> Its really just not that important. Is your personal system tracking
> current? Whats important is that NetBSD is *visibally* faster than
> it used to be. 040's don't flush caches ever (excepting dma selective
> cache pushes, and shared libs), pmaps flush the ATC much more selectively
> now, users have 15/13 partitions they can use. CD, tape and scsi direct
> support are simple and straightforward, et al.
Not to mention NetBSD is now basically BSD 4.4; the UNIX(tm) sandbox
of the 90's. We will soon be seeing monster files due to multimedia
apps, huge drives > 4G and mainstream CPU's with fundemental integer
size of 64 bits. Alpha is there today, MIPS, SPARC, Power, HP and
others are sure to follow soon. BSD 4.4 was a little ahead of
the curve by going to 64 bit but not by much.
That some apps cut corners is no reason to knock the forsight of
the BSD designers.