Subject: -current & gcc : a summary
To: None <amiga-dev@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Duponcheel <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 02/20/1995 10:37:57
Hello Amiga NetBSD Developers
Having (re)started the discussion about using recent gcc versions to
compile -current NetBSD sources I think I should finish with a
0) Thanks for everybody who helped. You *can* build a -current system
straightforward with the distributed tools tools.
1) I tried several (2 a 3) times to buid
- kernel
- as ld
- lib
- bin, sbin, usr.bin, usr.sbin, libexec
- ...
with the 2.6.2 compiler and 'only' got 2 problems
a) vfprintf.c does not work correctly in
i.e. printf("%d\n", 12345); prints 1 (the first number)
b) makes almost every program crash
2) I went back to a clean NetBSD 1.0 and started all over again
with the 2.4.5 compiler.
This time *everything* worked (as predicted by you).
3) Still I was curiuos as to exactly know what made 1a) and 1b) fail.
So I built 2.6.3 (I thought, maybe 2.6.2 is bad?) and started all over
I came to *exactly* the same conclusion as the one who triggered my
original posters:
- you can build a kernel with 2.6.x
- you can build libraries and binaries with 2.6.x
- there are 2 problems (maybe more)
- vfprintf.c
*if* somebody has time I would like him to
- make and test a compiled with 2.6.x
I would be surprised if it works
- make and test a compiled with 2.6.x
I would be surprised if it works
Conclusion: You *can* build a -current system straightforward with the
distributed tools tools. You can (almost) do the same with gcc 2.6.x
As a final remark I often (you bet) wondered *what* could be the
difference. Sometimes I think it has more to do with cpp than with cc1
but I am not sure at all.