Subject: Re: grf device question
To: None <amiga-dev@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mister Gandalf <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 10/04/1995 10:49:11
> Hi!
> As some of you may know, I'm working on a CV64 driver for NetBSD. In =
> current alpha state I'm now able to switch modes, write to the=20
> framebuffer and so on. Now I tried to use Xamiga24 and there I have=20
> a problem: It seems that Xamiga24 thinks the framebuffer is planar, n=
> chunky. Is there any flag or such to be set in some grf struct that t=
> if the framebuffer is chunky or planar? (I 'grep'ped for everything I=
> could think of through arch/amiga/dev, but I haven't found such a fla=
> Or do I have to change the XServer's sources?
>   =20
> --=20
> Michael Teske (

You might try getting the 24bit server from Dagge.  His server is calle=
d Xcl16 and I would think it uses the framebuffer in chunky.  If you ha=
ve any questions about it ask Dagge on IRC undernet channel #Amiga.

- Mister Gandalf


=20            Amiga 3000 - Mac, PC, Unix, C=3D64... I RUN IT ALL!
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