Subject: Kernel Compile config problems
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Darren Steven <>
List: amiga
Date: 07/26/1995 09:26:26
I am just trying out my first kernel compile on NetBSD Amiga. I have done
this several times in NetBSD i386 with no fuss. However, the config command
does not like the GENERIC config file, eg:
from .../arch/amiga/conf
config GENERIC
syntax error line 9
must specify machine type eg....
and config fails. What is happening. Line 9 is the 'include "std.amiga"'
line, and if I do it (config) at .../arch/i386/cong, config GENERICBT works.
Is there a different process for NetBSD Amiga ?
Is there a FAQ on Amiga specific implementation decisions for NetBSD. (I
have the Meeting Pearls 2 CD as my source).
Thanks for any help
Darren Steven
Australian Maritime College
Information Technology Services Department
Newnham Campus
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Phone (003) 35 4842