Subject: wrong CPU detection
To: None <>
From: Yeng-Chee Su <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/17/1994 20:31:05
I've just installed NetBSD-current on a new machine. The CPU is a intel
486DX2-66. However, the kernel detects a wrong CPU type as a Pentium. I
think it might be wrong code in locose.s. All non-detectable 486 CPU will
be regarded as 586. The kernel is 94/02/14. Without adding I_586 in
configuration, I can't start the machine.
/ National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan / \
| Name: Yeng-Chee Su Dept: Computer Engineering |__/
| Phone: +886-35-783513 E-mail: |
| Address: 22, Alley 2, Lane 173, Gao Tsui Road, HsinChu, Taiwan 300 |___