Subject: Re: Shared libraries and crypt
To: None <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/18/1994 10:58:05
On the contrary; I would urge all usanians to ignore this stupid regulation,
so that it will be revoked when the powers in force finally realise
how rididulous it is.
Well, it's not *your* butt who could wind up in prison over this...
To everyone else: If you're not a U.S. citizen, my apologies for the
political digression, but..
Send mail to to express your opposition to the export
control legislation; mail sent there will be printed out and given to
Rep. Maria Cantwell, who has recently sponsored legislation which
would repeal the inane export controls on cryptographic software.
For added effect, Cc: the letter to your representative and/or
Also, see the most recent issue of Wired (2.04) for more information
on this general issue.
I'll also point out that the U.S. isn't the only country with problems
of this form, and the non-americans on the list might want to find out
what their local export and import controls on cryptographic
technology are *really* like. I won't name names lest I get the
details wrong.
This will be my first, last, and only post to this list on this topic;
if you really want more info, try the cypherpunks list (send mail to to join), but be warned, it's
signal/noise ratio gets very low at times..
- Bill